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7 Zodiac Signs That Are Known To Be Master Manipulators

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1. Scorpio – They play the blame game

Scorpions have outstanding leadership qualities, a persuasive personality and a knack for paying close attention to details. But they also tend to be secretive, tend to find reasons to not trust you and get jealous very easily. 

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2. Cancer – The guarded manipulator

They also qualify as one of the most manipulative moon signs and can be masters of emotional manipulation. It’s no secret that people born under this sign are extremely sentimental and sensitive, and stand out for their high emotional quotient. 

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3. Gemini – Most manipulative sign

Geminis are the life of parties and are known for their sense of humor but they are also extremely indecisive, restless and fickle-minded.

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4. Pisces – They play the ‘good person card’

Their manipulative techniques are not very different from that of Cancer. Both being water signs, display similar traits of high emotional intelligence, empathy and sensitivity. 

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5. Leo – Most intelligent manipulator

If you’re asking this question, there is a good chance that you’ve never had to interact with one closely. Because if you had, you’d know that people born under this zodiac sign are master manipulators who use their intelligence to prevail over others.

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6. Libra – The innocent manipulator

In their bid to always strike that right balance and aim for perfection, people born under this sign tend to be extremely indecisive. They are also disarmingly charming.

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7. Virgo – The passive-aggressive manipulator

But they still have them and find it just as crushing as the next person when their needs or expectations are unmet. So, how do they ensure that doesn’t happen? By resorting to the classic passive-aggressive manipulation technique.

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