Red Section Separator

Panzanella Salad


▢3-4 tablespoons good olive oil ▢olive oil spray ▢½ French bread loaf, cut into 1-inch cubes (about 5-6 cups) ▢dash of salt ▢3 large ripe tomatoes, cut into 1-inch cubes ▢1 cucumber, unpeeled, sliced ¼-inch thick and halved ▢½ red onion, thinly sliced ▢15 – 20 large basil leaves, coarsely chopped ▢1 cup mozzarella pearls

Cream Section Separator


Add olive oil to a large skillet over medium-low heat.

Cream Section Separator


 Add bread and salt and cook, tossing every few minutes for about 12-15 minutes, or until nicely browned and toasted (spray bread with olive oil spray as you cook, if needed).

Cream Section Separator


Make vinaigrette by whisking together the olive oil and balsamic vinegar. Set aside.

Cream Section Separator


In a large bowl, mix the tomatoes, cucumber, onion, basil, and mozzarella pearls.

Cream Section Separator


Add the toasted bread cubes and vinaigrette to the other ingredients and toss to coat.

Cream Section Separator


Season with salt and pepper. Let sit for about 20-30 minutes for flavors to blend before serving.

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